Picasa can transfer, find, organize, edit, print, and share images, all with this easy-to-use product. Watch Picasa automatically organize all your pictures into elegant albums by date. Having all your photos in one place means no more time wasted searching for folders or files. The program works with JPEG, GIF, BMP, PSD, and movie files and is compatible with most digital cameras; it detects your USB driver and imports pictures into albums.
Editing tools include cropping (standard or custom), removal of red-eye, and enhancing--even switching from color to black and white. Create slide shows set to your MP3s.
Picasa (google.picasa.picasa) is a Windows software application that has been discovered and submitted by users of Software.com. The latest version that our users have reported running on their systems is Picasa The most popular version of this application used by our users is Picasa